Philippine Christian University
Learning Resource Center

Library Services
Online Library User Education
This service includes virtual library orientation, online database tutorials, and other synchronous and asynchronous specialized instruction.
Remote Access to e-Resources
The service includes online database access and use of e-resources. The library has an open database that are accessible anytime anywhere and also database on trial.
Expanding use of online platform to support students, and academic faculty.
Remote access to
- EBSCOHost Research databases
- Gale
- Acdemic One File
- Philippine eJournal
- World Book Online
For the login credentials of our subscribe databases kindly send us an email indicating your Complete Name, Student Number, Year Level & Course/Program.
- Open Educational Resources
- DOST-Starbooks ( ILSPhil)
- Ched Connect e-library
- USA American Spaces Corner Philippine (PCU students and faculty can register at this, to receive the log-in details.) Once you have received your login details on your e-mail, you can access the free online library at
Ask a Librarian
Those who have inquiries and questions you may ask a Librarian for assistance via email, phone, or live-chat.
OLiRRA (Online Library Reference and Research Assistant)
OLiRRA will provide you with credible information through chat, e-mail, social media (FaceBook) and GoggleMeet (Voice over IP).
Current Awareness
The Library informs its patrons of the new acquisitions through its website and social media accounts.
Electronic Document Delivery Services
- Readers may request for a scanned copy of the printed book from the library collection
-Only 1 (one) chapter of the copyrighted materials can be scanned.
-Transaction limit: Only 1 (one) active request per user. Users are allowed to access the e-copy for one week.
-New transaction can be made after 2 working days.
- Readers may get full-text electronic journal articles and book chapters from various subscribed databases and open and free access resources.
Borrowing of Library Materials
Students, administrators, faculty members and support staffs can still check-out library materials following the new normal Circulation guidelines of the library.
Library Virtual Office
Meet your librarian online, we are virtually open to provide you library support and assistance through Google Meet.
Manila: ymy-zrss-ohc
Dasmariñas: xvh-dnjk-usj