Philippine Christian University
Learning Resource Center
Access: On campus(within PCU System) and remote (off-campus). For the log-in details of our subscribe databases, kindly send us a message indicating your full name, student number and course at .For more information please contact us.
EBSCOhost is a powerful online reference system accessible via the Internet. It offers a variety of proprietary full text databases and popular databases from leading information providers.
The comprehensive databases range from general reference collections to specially designed, subject-specific databases for public, academic, medical, corporate and school libraries.
Gale OneFile content features include full-text articles from the world’s leading journals and reference sources; careful editorial curation; a low-to-no embargo rate; and detailed manual indexing. With no restriction on printing, downloading, sharing or emailing, accessibility is increased with built-in interface and article translation into over 20 languages, along with Readspeaker technology (text-to-speech) which allows text to be read aloud to users.
The Philippine E-Journals (PEJ) is an online collection of academic publications of different higher education institutions and professional organizations. Its sophisticated database allows users to easily locate abstracts, full journal articles, and links to related research materials.
World Book Online supports library reading initiatives with over 2500 titles, including World Book exclusive content and classic literature(novels,plays,poems and non-fiction).
World Book is not the same as the Internet! World Book Online is a paid subscription site, with safe, reliable, and trustworthy information.
World Book Online is available both in school, and at home! Use the username and password provided by the school librarian to access the database.
Open Educational Resources
PHL CHED Connect is a web application that contains higher education course materials in text, media and other digital assets that are useful for teaching, learning and research purposes.
Expands opportunities for interdisciplinary teaching and learning by allowing instructors to integrate and revise multiple educational resources.
Makes learning and teaching more collaborative.
eLibrary USA is a virtual library with 30 databases of authoritative and continually updated information available to you – free of charge at the American Corners.
eLibrary USA features news and magazines in Pressreader and Magazines on Flipster. Research resources such as Gale Academic Onefile, JSTOR, Proquest Dissertations and Theses, and Gale in Context are accessible. They also have information sources on Digital Literacy. Kanopy, a streaming service for documentaries and films, is also available.”
American Spaces Philippines is the United States Embassy in the Philippines’ “spaces for information, collaboration, and engagement”. They are currently offering free access to their online library, eLibraryUSA. Access will expire once American Spaces re-open as branches all over the country are closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
PCU students and faculty can register at this link, to receive the log-in details.
Once you have received your login details on your e-mail, you can access the free online library at .
CK-12 Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving student learning by increasing access to FREE, high-quality educational materials through the FlexBook®2.0 platform and concept-based modalities. CK-12 has free resources for students, parents, teachers, schools, and districts.